Why You Need a Healthy Mouth Before Cosmetic Dentistry

November 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — orisdental @ 3:42 am

Female dental patient speaking with dentistIf you’re embarrassed by stained, chipped, or gapped teeth, you don’t have to live with the weight of an unattractive smile holding you back from feeling your best. Cosmetic dentistry can give you a picture-perfect smile. However, you must have healthy teeth and gums to be a candidate for elective services. Your smile might look better, but you could be at risk of serious complications if tooth decay, gum disease, and other issues aren’t addressed first. Don’t worry if you need a little prep work. Here’s why it is time well spent to ensure your new smile lasts. 

Healthy Teeth and Gums are Important

Not all aesthetic problems are purely cosmetic issues. Some can also affect your dental health, like decay, chips, or cracks. Performing cosmetic treatments without resolving underlying conditions will just cover up the damage, which will progress until it results in a dental emergency and the failure of your new smile. In addition, cosmetic services can aggravate the issue, leading to pain and potential infections. 

Your cosmetic dentist will examine your mouth to ensure it is healthy. If they find anything concerning, like decay or gum disease, they must be treated before moving forward. Depending on your situation, some cosmetic services offer restorative benefits. Therefore, you may be able to fix the problem and enhance your smile using a single procedure. Your cosmetic dentist will create a personalized treatment plan for a healthy, attractive smile. 

Popular Cosmetic Dental Procedures

No two mouths are identical, so there’s no cookie-cutter treatment plan. You might be a candidate for one or more procedures, like:

  • Veneers: A veneer is a thin shell bonded to the front side of a tooth, improving its color, shape, and size. Applying veneers to the teeth visible when smiling can fix several issues simultaneously, like discoloration, gaps, and cracks. Veneers can also be a great option for patients with a history of tooth sensitivity.
  • Teeth Whitening: Age-related and surface stains can be improved by up to 8 shades. Your results can last for many months or years with good oral hygiene and regular dental care.

You can have a dazzling smile using the latest most up-to-date solutions in cosmetic dentistry. Don’t fret if you need preliminary procedures. You’ll ensure your mouth is healthy for long-lasting results.

About Dr. Evan Pedersen

Dr. Pedersen obtained his dental degree from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and has regularly pursued advanced training in various specialties, like cosmetic dentistry. He is passionate about creating healthy, beautiful smiles using the latest solutions in dentistry. Request an appointment through his website or call (512) 768-8564.

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