Dental Phobias – Lakeway, TX
How We Make Fear Disappear
Countless dentistry patients avoid the dental care and treatment they need each year because of dental phobia. It is common for many dentistry patients to put off seeing their dentist and not prioritize their dental care, simply because of fear or lacking time for another chore. But there are some dental patients who genuinely suffer from extreme dental phobia or dental anxiety. The mere thought of stepping into a dental office makes them uneasy. At Oris Dental Studio, we are devoted to changing the perception behind dentistry, which is why we treat dentistry patients who may deal with anxiety and dental phobias at our Lakeway, TX dental office.
Most dentistry patients dealing with dental fear have experienced an antiquated form of dentistry, which has caused some trauma to linger and develop into a phobia. Oris Dental Studio is not that type of dental office. We believe in being transparent and straightforward with each person and we welcome dental patients with special needs. Our modern approach to dentistry prioritizes the patient experience and looks to make everyone as comfortable as possible.
Oris Dental Studio Treats Dentistry Patients with Dental Phobia

Not visiting the dentist regularly cannot be an option. Without proper dental care like cleanings and checkups, you run the risk of developing more complicated dental problems. While we are more than capable of treating complications such as gum disease or tooth decay, it’s best to prevent it altogether.
We understand coming in for your first visit with us will be challenging if you have severe dental phobia. It’s not something that is going to be resolved simply by our promise to you. Our hope is that with each positive experience, your feelings towards dental care will change. But in the meantime, we advise patients with anxiety or fear to take advantage of our sedation dentistry services. Your Oris Dental Studio smile consultant can recommend the appropriate option for you and you’ll be in a state of relaxation induced by the medication in a matter of minutes. You’ll be in and out of our dental studio in no time, and with a healthier smile.
Don’t let dental phobia or anxiety become an obstacle. Receiving the dental care you require is possible at Oris Dental Studio. If you or a family constantly avoid the dentist because of fear, we can help. Contact our modern dental studio, located in Lakeway, Texas.